[…] a month ago I wrote about what I was using essential oils for – SEE HERE. I’ve since been trying a few more things out so I wanted to update and share with […]

**Disclaimer: I do not sell Essential Oils, I just use them. If you are interesting in buying some I can direct you to someone just send me an email at jessicadawnhome@gmail.com or comment on this post.
I was actually introduced to Essential Oils quite a long time ago, years even. I have used them a tad here and there but nothing too serious. However, after following Nesting with Grace’s new account Nesting Well (all about how she uses essential oils) I kinda of felt pushed to really give them a go now.
One of the main reasons I have started to incorporate them more is my kids. For one, Sebastian has terrible reactions to mosquitos and NO over the counter medicine has been able to help when he gets bit. However, a roller of tea tree and lavender oil has had them completely disappear in a matter of two days. More on that roller later …
I use Young Living Oils because that is was I was originally introduced to and so any recipe or blend that I share is using those.
Lets start with what I’m Diffusing:
As I said, I am just now really getting into these oils again so I have not tried too many different blends but as I do try them I will share!
Another way I am using oils and probably the main way is Rollers. I order Amber Roller Bottles off of Amazon and have created different blends for different purposes and they all are used quite often in our home.
As I mentioned before, Sebastian has quite bad reactions to mostquito bites and if they are anywhere on his face they swell up, bad. Story time .. about 4 days before we were getting family pictures done he got bit right by his eye and his eye swelled shut.
I tried tylenol and benedryl and he was even seen by his doctor who told me just to use the benedryl. After two days there was NO change. I remembered I had used the essential oil roller on him before (mainly to keep him from itching them open) so I figured, why not.
In two days, the roller almost completely healed him.
Rollers I’m Using Now:
Please Note: I am using a smaller amount of oils in these because they are going on young children. You can up the amount of drops if just using on adults
Other ways I have been using my oils:
All of the above I have been using for a while now, however there are some things I am looking forward to trying and as I try them out I will share them!
If you try any of these uses … Tag me! I’d love to see!
Instagram: @jessica.dawn.home | Facebook: Jessica Dawn Home
bug bite roller diffusing oils essential oil roller essential oil uses essential oils oil uses tantrum roller wellness roller
[…] a month ago I wrote about what I was using essential oils for – SEE HERE. I’ve since been trying a few more things out so I wanted to update and share with […]