Interesting Fact. This isn’t my first blog, in fact this is my fourth! Three of the four centered around the same-ish things .. Home and Party Design. One was entirely different. We’ll go into that another time though.
I bring this up because I want to pull some of my posts from previous blogs and put them all in once place. Here. So the following was a post I did back in 2015 so please excuse the photography (it was actually good for back then) It still was one of my most liked little gifts and has a free download!
So I’ve been thinking about some cute little gifts to make for Thanksgiving. Something you can give to people in your office, neighborhood or even as a parting favor for those who come over for Thanksgiving Dinner.
I LOVE candied and caramel apples but sometimes they are a little tricky to eat so when I saw this idea I jumped on it! They are so cute and perfect for a sweet little Thanksgiving gift.
What you’ll need:
8 – Little Mason Jars
8 – Small to Medium sized Granny Smith Apples
1 – 8oz Package of Cream Cheese
10 – Little Caramel Dippers
Butter Finger Candy Bar
Start with the cream cheese {a little softened}

Then add two of the Little Caramel Dippers

And blend together

Get out your little mason jars. I bought mine at Hobby Lobby {they are about a third of the size of normal ones}

Fill each about 3/4 of the way with the cream cheese and caramel mix
Then add one Little Caramel Dipper to the top of each

I bought bite sized Butter Fingers – we are going to smash them up anyways.

After you smash them – place the crumbled toppings on top of each.

Voila! The hard part is done.
Using a clear favor bag place the mason jar on the bottom, a granny smith apple on top and tie shut. There you have it! A sweet little treat – and to make it just a little more personal … add a nice tag.

Download this one free HERE

DIY fall fall activities fall treat free download free printable gift gift idea gift tags thanksgiving