I’m sure its on the forefront of most peoples minds as a new year starts. New Year New Me! Right? I thought about my new years resolutions and decided I’d rather come up with new habits. I feel like if I frame them as habits then it will somehow trick my mind into thinking they have to last longer than a few months. After all a new habit should be something that sticks with you.
Whether you are making resolutions, new habits, or just staying exactly how you are (because sometimes there is nothing wrong with that) – sometimes it helps to write it down. Have something to refer back to when we ring in 2022 and see how far you have come. Here is me writing it down:
- Drink More Water – who doesn’t have this on their list? I used to be pretty good at remembering to drink my water but it feel way off somewhere along the way. Lately I have gone days where I only drank coffee! I’m going to fill up my 30oz Moms and Munchkins tumbler at night so its ready to go for the morning. Then fill it up one more time throughout the day to give me at least 60oz
- Cleaner Eating / No Sugar – everyone has a vice, something thats just harder for them to shake than others. Mine is sugar, its been pretty bad since my pregnancies. I could (and often do) eat an entire box of Hot Tamales in a day (or sitting). If I start drinking coke, I can’t stop myself for weeks. It’s bad. So are my eating habits. I don’t want to follow a “diet plan” because they never work out for me. My goal is to make better choices and I have an accountability group of friends to help me too!
- Working Out – This is technically a habit I started a few months ago when I joined Burn Bootcamp Sarasota and it has been going strong, but I wanted to add it in for good measure. While I have been doing this I have been counteracting it with no water and bad eating habits .. so lets see if 1 and 2 can help 3 out here.
- Social Media Cut Off Time – I am cutting off social media (and basically phone use) at 8:30pm. I think this will be good for my brain, my sleep and my fifth habit.
- Read – Probably up there with number 1 on being on most peoples lists. I really want to make this one stick. I’m hoping the 8:30 phone cut off will force me to do so. I have a book I started a while back that I want to finish first (No Bad Kids) and then going to something fun and easy to get me back into reading (The Girl He Used To Know). I also want to get back into the habit of reading more with the kids before bed. To be honest I’ve gotten a little lazy and just let them watch a show beforehand. (they honestly would rather read)
- Making My Bed – I’ve never been one to make my bed in the morning or at all. I always thought “no one goes in there” or “I’m just going to get back into it”. However, I have seen a few times about how it is one small accomplishment that you can layer upon throughout your day to be productive. I also love when other people make my bed (my mom), its more cozy to get back into. I’m rewarding myself with new bed linens if I can keep this up for three months straight.
- 5AM Weekday Wake Ups – I was doing pretty well with these for a while – even came up with my 5AM DIY series, which will return, when this habit returns.
- Grateful Journal – Mike and I used to be quite diligent with a grateful journal each night. We would write 5 things we were grateful for that day. We used to use this book, however I have a 2021 planner that I am not going to use for planning this year – Instead I’ll used it for this. Less waste, less clutter.
Tell me your 2021 goals!